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Contact Us

Florida Physician is produced by UF Health Communications for alumni, faculty and friends of the UF College of Medicine.

Please send address changes and other correspondence to:
Editor in chief, Cody Hawley, PhD (send email)
Florida Physician
P.O. Box 100253
Gainesville, FL 32610-0253

Interim Dean

Jennifer L. Hunt, MD, MEd

Senior associate vice president, UF; Chief advancement officer, UF Health

Joe Mandernach (send email)

Associate vice president for health affairs, UF; Chief communications officer, UF Health; Senior vice president of communications, UF Health Shands

Melanie Fridl Ross, MSJ, ELS (send email)

Director of communications for the College of Medicine and editor in chief

Cody R. Hawley, PhD (send email)

Managing editor

Styliana Resvanis

Assistant editor

Emily Mavrakis

Print design

Selena Carter
Mary Cecelia
Madelyn Hyder
Michael McAleer

Web design

Web Services (send email)
Styliana Resvanis (send email)

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