Bright star in fight against rare disease

Dr. Barry Byrne has a unique ability to inspire others as he fights for his patients’ lives

By Megan D. Kimmel
patient Barry Byrne and patient Evan Procko
“A rare disease diagnosis significantly impacts patients and their families…”
—Dr. Barry Byrne
Maddie Crowley, a UF undergraduate student, Barry Byrne, and Emma Crowley Maddie Crowley, a UF undergraduate student, Barry Byrne, and Emma Crowley, a clinical trial coordinator at the Powell Center for Rare Disease Research and Therapy.

Forging relationships

Dr. Barry Byrne dressed as an avatar and Dr. Barbara Smith dressed as Darth Vader Barry Byrne, MD, PhD, dressed as an avatar, and Barbara Smith, PT, PhD, dressed as Darth Vader, visit a patient in Alabama.

Faculty research seeks cures for cancer and disease

Video by Ketchum
  • Robert A. Cooper Chair in Orthopaedic Trauma

  • Barbara Padgett Dein Professorship in Parkinson’s

  • Carlos E. Donayre, MD, Professorship in Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy

  • Randolph B. Mahoney Directorship Fund (Endowed School of Physician Assistant Studies Directorship)

  • James and Brigitte Marino Family Professorship in Cerebrovascular and Endovascular Neurosurgery

  • Nell W. Potter, MD, Assistant Professorship in Adolescent Medicine

  • Earl and Christy Powell University Chair in Gene Therapy and Genetics Research

  • B.J. and Eve Wilder Professorship in Alzheimer’s Disease

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